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Our Tassie Adventure begins…

2 days ago we were the 10th vehicle (out of hundreds) to roll off the ferry into Devonport.  An hour and a half later we were setting up camp at Liffey Falls Reserve just as darkness descended.

Yesterday we awoke to the sounds of a bubbling creek and there began our day full of contrasting landscapes.

We began with a 7km return walk to Liffey Falls. The track followed the creek as it ascended through a forest of giant ferns before reaching the base of the falls.

Alex decided to have a swim in the small water hole.

Well, that was the quickest swim he’s ever had. He said the only thing missing in the freezing water was ice!

After lunch, we drove across part of the Great Western Tiers. WOW. Huge cliff lines, striking fields of strewn rocks and flat open plains devoid of anything but the occasional small low growing shrub.

We continued on past the Great Lake with its many intermittent shack communities doting the shoreline and surrounding hills.

Next, we passed through an area recently ravaged by bushfire. It was sad to see the widespread devastation caused by fire.

Eventually, we arrived at the northern end of Lake King William, our camp for the night. Here we were faced with a surreal landscape of dead trees in a half-empty lake. The water level is so low we drove down the boat ramp and are camped on the dry floor of the lake. There is just a shallow river flowing through the middle.

But at least the water was not quite as cold as the falls and we both had a quick wash before dinner.

Our day of contrasting landscapes ended with a brilliant sky full of a million stars.

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